#yatagarasu compilation
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Yukiya, Wakamiya and the candied kumquats throughout the first season (a compilation)
Yukiya, are you able to eat properly while working? / What else do you eat besides kumquats?
Is this a story about Yukiya from the time of “The Crows Do Not Choose Their Master”? Learning from the lesson of missing out on food on the first day, he started to properly procure food from the next day! There were also times when we went down to the castle town together to eat noodle soup.
From Chisato Abe’s Q&A, 2021
A video of Wakamiya/Nazukihiko boiling his kumquats from the first episode. (This transition is nifty, from the simplicity and homeliness of Wakamiya’s abode to the Sakura Blossom Palace’s grandeur.)
#yatagarasu#the raven does not choose its master#karasu wa aruji wo erabanai#chisato abe#pierrot#q&a#yukiya#wakamiya#y/w kumquats#yatagarasu compilation#yukiya/wakamiya
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This is a blog dedicated to the Yatagarasu Series. Although it is very popular in Japan, it is basically unheard of for the western audience (mainly due to the lack of official translations).
So, in order to spread the word about this amazing series, I've decided to compile all the official content in a way that is more accessible for everyone. I might even make memes.
It is a lot, so it'll take some time. That way we can make the wait for the anime more bearable.
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Ace Attorney Investigations Collection
Ace Attorney Investigations : Miles Edgeworth, Toujours en Haut du Podium
Les fans de jeux vidéo connaissent bien les montagnes russes émotionnelles que peuvent provoquer leurs séries favorites. Entre des franchises iconiques qui sombrent parfois dans l’oubli après des suites ratées, et la pression constante des studios pour sortir des jeux à la chaîne, il est rare qu’une saga reste intacte. Pourtant, certains titres parviennent à traverser les âges sans perdre leur éclat. Et Ace Attorney fait justement partie de ces rares élus. Bien sûr, même Ace Attorney a connu quelques turbulences. Phoenix Wright et sa bande ont vu passer différents scénaristes, notamment Shu Takumi, le créateur originel, qui n’a pas toujours été aux commandes. Dans certains chapitres, il a laissé la plume à Takeshi Yamazaki, qui a introduit des changements discutés mais globalement bien accueillis. En dépit des critiques, Yamazaki a maintenu la série vivante avec brio jusqu'à son départ en 2020. Il est vrai que ses jeux, notamment les deux Investigations, ne possèdent peut-être pas la cohérence narrative des épisodes signés Takumi. Mais même là, les personnages excentriques et mémorables sont toujours au rendez-vous, avec un petit coup de cœur pour Kay, la jeune et pétillante assistante. Parmi les œuvres de Yamazaki, les deux spin-offs Ace Attorney Investigations se démarquent, centrés sur l’un des personnages les plus adorés de la saga : Miles Edgeworth. Ce procureur rigide et brillant, d’abord antagoniste dans le premier jeu, a rapidement conquis les cœurs des fans. Et si le premier opus de Investigations a été bien accueilli chez nous, le second est resté tristement confiné au Japon. Pourquoi ? Capcom n’a tout simplement pas jugé bon d’investir dans une localisation à l’époque, jugeant les projections de ventes trop faibles. Un choix qui a laissé un goût amer, d’autant que ce deuxième épisode, bien qu’ayant ses défauts, était tout aussi solide que les autres volets de la série. Capcom sort Ace Attorney Investigations Collection. Cette compilation remasterisée propose des graphismes retravaillés et, surtout, inclut les deux épisodes. Alors, après toutes ces années, Miles Edgeworth et ses enquêtes sont-ils toujours dignes de votre attention ? La réponse est un retentissant "Oui !" Certes, les mécaniques de jeu n’ont pas radicalement changé, mais la qualité d’écriture, les personnages excentriques et les affaires tortueuses qui ont fait le succès de la série sont toujours là, avec un petit coup de neuf graphique qui ne fait pas de mal. Que vous soyez un vétéran de la saga ou un néophyte curieux, cette collection mérite sans hésitation une place dans votre bibliothèque. En conclusion, Ace Attorney Investigations prouve que certaines sagas, même avec quelques bas, savent maintenir une qualité exemplaire sur la durée. Quant à Miles Edgeworth, il continue de briller, encore et toujours, même après toutes ces années.
Ace Attorney Investigations : Miles Edgeworth au Mauvais Endroit, Mais pour le Meilleur Récit
Si vous avez suivi la saga Ace Attorney depuis ses débuts, les intrigues des deux spin-offs Investigations ne vous dépayseront pas. Cette fois, c’est Miles Edgeworth qui endosse le rôle principal, se retrouvant mêlé, sans grande surprise, à une série de meurtres aux ramifications internationales. Le tout gravite autour du mystérieux voleur Yatagarasu et d’un complot nébuleux où même Interpol entre en scène. Une trame intrigante, certes, mais pas totalement étrangère aux précédentes aventures signées Shu Takumi. Exit les salles d’audience et les "OBJECTION !" tonitruants de Phoenix Wright. Cette fois-ci, les confrontations se déroulent directement sur les scènes de crime, sans passer par la case tribunal. Miles, toujours au mauvais endroit au mauvais moment (merci, le destin), doit user de ses talents de procureur pour interroger un casting haut en couleur et découvrir ce qui s’est réellement passé. La mécanique de jeu diverge ici du classique Ace Attorney : les phases d’investigation prennent une place prépondérante, avec des objets à dénicher et des indices à collecter, façon aventure point-and-click. C’est là que les Investigations se démarquent nettement des affaires de Phoenix Wright, avec une structure unique et rafraîchissante dans l’univers de la série. Ces mécaniques distinctives apportent une bonne dose de diversité, que les fans ont souvent perçue comme un point très positif. Mais malgré cette innovation, les enquêtes d’Edgeworth peinent à égaler les chapitres les plus emblématiques de la série. La faute à une narration un peu moins cohérente, sans doute due à la diversité des auteurs après le retrait de Shu Takumi. Le premier Investigations pâtit d’un certain essoufflement vers sa fin, là où d’autres épisodes brillaient de bout en bout. Pourtant, ne vous y trompez pas : malgré ces faiblesses relatives, les deux spin-offs regorgent des éléments classiques qui font le charme de la saga Ace Attorney. Personnages excentriques, twists à gogo, et rebondissements inattendus sont toujours de la partie. En somme, Ace Attorney Investigations peut ne pas atteindre les sommets des chefs-d’œuvre de Takumi, mais il se maintient tout de même en haute altitude. Les enquêtes d’Edgeworth, malgré quelques défauts, offrent encore aujourd’hui des moments de pur plaisir pour tout amateur de la saga.
Les Enquêtes de Miles Edgeworth ou l’Art de Ne Pas Oublier un Détail
Quand on parle de différences mécaniques dans Ace Attorney Investigations, on ne s’éloigne pas tant que ça du schéma classique de la série. Comme Phoenix Wright, Miles Edgeworth doit examiner attentivement les déclarations de ses interlocuteurs, traquant la moindre faille logique pour les coincer à coup de preuves et d'informations glanées lors des phases d'enquête. La vraie nouveauté ici réside dans ces phases d'investigation : elles obligent à affûter sa logique dès l’exploration des lieux de crime, avec des indices visuels à relier entre eux pour élaborer des théories solides, réutilisables plus tard lors des confrontations. Cependant, il n’est pas rare de se heurter à des liens logiques un peu tirés par les cheveux, qui forcent à aiguiser ses compétences d'enquêteur. Cela peut sembler anodin, mais les jeux de la série Ace Attorney ne sont pas réputés pour leur facilité, et ce n’est pas différent pour Investigations. À mesure que l'on progresse, les indices deviennent plus subtils, les connexions logiques plus complexes, et les affaires de plus en plus délicates à résoudre. Les fans chevronnés auront sans doute peu de mal à assembler les pièces du puzzle, mais pour les autres, le défi se corse rapidement. Et attention : chaque erreur grignote un peu de la barre d’endurance d’Edgeworth, menant éventuellement à une "mauvaise fin". Si vous ne voulez pas finir par recharger votre partie à chaque mauvaise déduction, il est essentiel de prêter une attention méticuleuse aux détails et de se rappeler ce que chaque témoin a déclaré. Pour les têtes en l'air, pas de panique : la collection introduit un ajout salvateur sous la forme d’un historique de dialogues, absent dans les jeux originaux. C'est loin d'être une révolution, mais quand on est en pleine tempête cérébrale, c'est un outil plus qu’apprécié. Grâce à cette fonctionnalité, il est désormais possible de relire les discussions passées et éviter de perdre le fil. Un détail, certes, mais dans une série où chaque mot compte, un détail qui fait toute la différence.
La Série de Miles Edgeworth entre Réinvention et Manque de Traditions
Dans la série Ace Attorney Investigations, la deuxième aventure, Ace Attorney Investigations 2, se distingue nettement du premier épisode grâce à l’introduction de deux nouvelles mécaniques : le "Little Thief" et les "échecs mentaux". Le "Little Thief" est une machine qui permet de reconstituer virtuellement une scène de crime déjà nettoyée. Cette fonctionnalité ajoute une couche de complexité intéressante à la phase de recherche de preuves, offrant la possibilité de comparer directement les éléments d’une carte avec sa reconstruction virtuelle. En revanche, les "échecs mentaux" — des comparaisons temporelles nécessitant de savoir quand interroger un témoin et quand le presser — nous ont laissés un peu sceptiques. Cette mécanique simplifiée des comparaisons habituelles n’apporte pas grand-chose de nouveau et paraît souvent superflue. Bien que tous les ajouts ne soient pas des réussites éclatantes, le deuxième chapitre l’emporte largement sur le premier. L'histoire se concentre davantage sur Miles Edgeworth, qui dans le premier opus était paradoxalement moins central malgré son rôle de protagoniste. Le rythme de la campagne est également plus soutenu, bien que la dernière phase du premier jeu, excessivement longue, traîne un peu en longueur après la meilleure révélation, sans vraiment redresser la barre. Étant donné que cette collection ne modifie pas le contenu des jeux originaux, ces défauts persistent, affectant l'expérience globale. Pour alléger la monotonie des énigmes répétitives, un mode histoire est disponible, permettant de résoudre automatiquement les puzzles. Ce mode ne vous permettra pas de débloquer tous les succès, mais il améliore le flux des phases moins réussies du premier jeu. En outre, la possibilité de jouer directement à chaque étape des chapitres grâce à la sélection libre est un atout pour ceux qui veulent éviter les longueurs. Techniquement, Ace Attorney Investigations reste fidèle à ses origines Nintendo DS. Ne vous attendez pas à des miracles visuels : les graphismes 2D et les animations limitées des personnages restent inchangés, avec un doublage assez limité. Cependant, Capcom a réalisé un excellent travail en remasterisant la bande-son et en réajustant les sprites avec soin. Les graphismes pixel art d'origine n'ont pas pris une ride, et il est même possible de revenir au style visuel original avant de commencer à jouer, bien que l'option de remplacement immédiate en cours de jeu manque. L’interface a également été adaptée avec soin pour les écrans non tactiles, ce qui est un plus considérable.
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Names of the kaiju/kaijin in Touhou Lost Word
I noticed that the kaiju/kaijin enemies had names from Chinese books and Taoism, so I wanted to compile them to see if there’s a pattern, maybe? This game brings out my wild theorist side lmao If there are any inaccuracies just let me know, all of this I’ve just learned with Googling and spare time, haha. Sekibanki - Shen Gongbao: Taoist god from novel Investiture of the Gods
Futo - Taiyi Zhenren: Taoist god, apparently a deity of salvation, the “perfect being” who embodies both halves of yin and yang - possibly referencing Futo’s quest to get immortality?
Satori - Lei Ting: might be another name for the Taoist god Lei Gong? seems to mostly refer to coin talismans that invoke Lei Gong’s power to protect the user against malevolent spirits Utsuho - Leizhenzi: Taoist god of thunder, connected to Leigong? From wiki: “he found two large apricots at the edge of the cliff and ate them both with due haste. Immediately following this, to his surprise, two large wings suddenly sprouted from Leizhenzi's back and his face became like that of a monster's“ - possibly referencing Utsuho swallowing Yatagarasu?
Flandre - Mahamayuri: a bodhisattva and one of the Wisdom Kings in Mahayana and Vajrayana Buddhism, who are apparently pretty wrathful, but she serves as a calmer contrast to them Seiga - He Xiangu: one of the Taoist Eight Immortals, apparently the only lady in the group Saki - Black Qilin: a kirin, basically, legendary beast with chimera attributes, that (from wiki) “said to appear with the imminent arrival or passing of a sage or illustrious ruler”
Ran - Daji: evil fox spirit, legendary femme fatale character who seduced the emperor and had a lot of people tortured for entertainment
Kasen - Jinling Shengmu: Taoist god from novel Investiture of the Gods
Kogasa - Vaisravana: Bishamonten aka patron god of the Myouren crew.........we already know him lol
Benben - Virupaksa: one of the Buddhist Four Heavenly Kings
Tenshi - Qi Tian Da Sheng: the name of a specific story from Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio (the book Seiga herself comes from), means “The Great Sage, Heaven’s Equal”, but also seems to refer to Sun Wukong himself (who the story is about)
Yachie - Xuanwu: Taoist god, the Black Tortoise of those big four Chinese constellations
Iku - Dragon Prince of the East Sea: might be referring to Ao Guang, who appeared in both Investiture of the Gods and Journey to the West
Shou - Kubera: god in Hinduism corresponding to Bishamonten/Vaisravana
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The AAI Cast Takes On Twitter
Hello! For the release of ace attorney investigations 2 ten years ago, on the official AA twitter account, Capcom posted a bunch of tweets that were made to sound like they came from the characters themselves. You can still find them if you dig far enough, but it’s a bit of a pain to find and especially a pain to understand in English, so I decided to compile them all here and attempt to translate them. (They have also been “localized” in true ace attorney fashion.)
First, a disclaimer: I am absolutely NOT a translator and my understanding of Japanese is abysmal. I put the original tweets through google translate and then went through trying to make them legible, including looking up words and phrases when they didn’t make any sense. As a result, I can’t guarantee that this is completely accurate, and I definitely messed with phrasing a bit to get things to flow better or sound more in character. Hopefully the general gist of things should make sense! I’ll put the original Japanese text below the English one, and if you actually know Japanese and would like to properly translate it, please do so! I just wanted to get this out here as fast as possible.
If you want to view the original tweets, I’ve filtered them (mostly!) here in reverse-chronological order. There are tweets from the game staff at the end that I did not “translate”.
With that said, here are the tweets. (It is long, so most of it is under the cut.) The breaks are things I added that I believe were breaks in time on the actual account, and represent new scenes.
<Edgeworth>: I was told to “tweet” what I usually think about to commemorate the release of “Ace Attorney Investigations 2”... What should I do?
<Kay>: Come on, Mr. Edgeworth! First, you need to introduce yourself!
<Edgeworth>: Oh. Sorry for the late introduction. My name is Miles Edgeworth, a prosecutor at the District Attorney's Office. Kay informed me that this is “Tweeter”.
<Kay>: No! It’s pronounced "Twitter"!
<Edgeworth>: Is it "Tweeter"? I'm not very good at this kind of thing ...
<Kay>: Okay, moving on. Ace Attorney Investigations 2 is about to be released, and Mr. Edgeworth has a lot to say, right?
<Edgeworth>: Mm. Certainly, there are few opportunities like this, so this should be a valuable experience.
<Kay>: Then this Great Thief, Kay Faraday, will teach Mr. Edgeworth the fun of tweeting!
<Edgeworth>: I’m not very interested in that… but alright. More importantly, Kay, do you want to start working soon?
<Kay>: Yes! Then, we can play later!
<Edgeworth>: (Well, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to tweet.)
<Kay>: Mr. Edgeworth ... Your inner voice is in the tweet! Isn't that neat?
<Edgeworth>: Ah! Tweeter… I shouldn’t underestimate it.
<Edgeworth>: It's already 12 o'clock ... I wanted to take a break for lunch, but it seems that I won’t get the chance. The detective just reported a new case. I'm heading to the scene right now.
<Edgeworth>: Detective Gumshoe seems to have been in a hurry. He said he “lost something important”... It’s probably not something to worry about. I should concentrate on the investigation first. It takes a careful investigation to find out the truth hidden in the scene. There are many things that cannot be understood from desk work alone.
<Edgeworth>: I've arrived at the scene. Mm? It seems that some pencils have fallen near the victim.
<Edgeworth>: Search for the connection between information. That is the pursuit of "Logic". Assembling "Logic" is the key to the investigation even in Ace Attorney Investigations 2. “Something lost by Detective Gumshoe” and the “pencil left on the scene” ... There is one answer that can be derived from the two pieces of information.
<Edgeworth>: Detective Gumshoe! It seems that we found your lost pencil. ‥‥ Don’t leave extra evidence on the scene!
<Edgeworth>: Hmm ... Finally, the truth of the scene has come into view. This case will likely be resolved soon.
<Kay>: Good evening! I came to play as promised!
<Gumshoe>: Welcome, Kay!
<Kay>: Huh? Gummy, are you also on Twitter?
<Gumshoe>: It’s popular among my detective friends. As long as my number of followers keeps increasing, I’m happy!
<Edgeworth>: What is a "follower"?
<Gumshoe>: Well, people who read your tweets. To put it simply, it’s like a friend group.
<Kay>: It seems that there are many people who are watching this tweet! Ehehe. That makes me kind of happy!
<Edgeworth>: Hmm. Friend group...? That sounds a little embarrassing, but thank you, followers.
<Kay>: Hmm. I feel that followers and friends are a little different. Well, as long as he’s happy.
<Edgeworth>: Let’s say that tomorrow we’ll spend more time with our followers on Tweeter.
<Gumshoe>: I've been waiting for you, Prosecutor Edgeworth!
<Edgeworth>: Mm. Good morning Detective Gumshoe. It's rare for you to get to court earlier than me.
<Gumshoe>: That’s because I have to set a good example for my followers! I skipped dinner last night so I wouldn't be late.
<Edgeworth>: What does skipping dinner have to do with getting up early?
<Gumshoe>: Well, it sets a “belly clock”, so you wake up at breakfast time!
<Edgeworth>: (There are too many problems with that, and I don't feel like pointing them all out... I’ll just stay silent.)
<Gumshoe>: Mr. Edgeworth ... We can see the tweets of your inner voice, you know…?
<Edgeworth>: It's about time for the court to open. I'm heading into court without any uncertainty today.
<Kay>: Hello everybody! I'm Kay Faraday, also known as the Great Thief Yatagarasu. Fufufu ... I’m actually in the gallery right now! I wanted to see Mr. Edgeworth and Gummy in court, and keep an eye on the enemy!
<Kay>: Oh! Mr. Edgeworth screamed, “Objection!” This is the 5th time today. The other lawyer is sweating now. The judge’s gavel is getting fierce! Eh -- what? “You can’t tweet in the courtroom…?” Hey!
<Kay>: Uh ... I was kicked out of the courtroom. As expected by the new rival of Ace Attorney Investigations 2, Justine Courtney! She seems like a kind judge, but also very observant.
<Kay>: This is an unexpectedly strong enemy! Mr. Edgeworth, are you okay ...?
<Edgeworth>: Kay. What were you doing in the gallery today?
<Gumshoe>: I was surprised to see Kay being kicked out of court!
<Kay>: I didn't think that tweeting was prohibited. As a Great Thief, this is the ultimate mistake!
<Edgeworth>: If you have time to regret breaking the rules of the court, use it to learn a little more about them.
<Kay>: If I had to leave the court anyways, I wanted to have a cooler exit, befitting of a Great Thief!
<Gumshoe>: … I don’t think she regretted breaking the rules.
<Kay>: Anyway! You’ve already finished your work today, right?
<Edgeworth>: Yes, I finished my work in the courtroom today. It looks like we can have a nice holiday.
<Kay>: So, why don’t the three of us go play together! Bowling, karaoke, game centers, etc.!
<Edgeworth>: No ... I'm not very good at such things.
<Gumshoe>: Since it’s Friday night, why don’t we play around and recover from working hard! I think watching movies would be fun!
<Kay>: Yeah, you worked so hard this week! Now, let’s go play!
<Edgeworth>: *sigh*. Whatever I say, it’ll be a waste of time… If we must, at least make it a movie.
<Gumshoe>: This Saturday morning is a nice time for a walk! I sometimes take a walk with Missile to build strength and give him training. As the “partner” of Prosecutor Edgeworth, I want to be useful in Ace Attorney Investigations 2!
<Gumshoe>: When investigating with a metal detector or collaborating with Missile, I will be second to none! Hey, Missile! Hmm? Is a scent bothering you? Aaaaa! Mi-Missile has run away! He must’ve smelled food.
<Gumshoe>: When this happens, I have to rely on the odor to chase after it! This is part of the investigation process! Uh… I lost him right away. When this happens, I have to prepare sweets that Missile likes to lure him in! … I’m so overwhelmed.
<Kay>: It’s a shame to keep Missile as a police dog. He stole away Samurai Dogs from this Great Thief and ate them…! I was trying to eat with Ema.
<Gumshoe>: Sorry about that, pal. By the way, what were you doing together? Collecting fallen leaves…?
<Ema>: We’re grilling Samurai Dogs on this fire we made from scientific chemicals!
<Gumshoe>: Huh. Scientific chemicals, pal…? Mi-Mi-Mi-Mi-Missile! Do you feel alright?
<Kay>: It’s fine! He ate it before we started the fire.
<Gumshoe>: Oh. I wish I got to have some...
<Edgeworth>: It’s not good to use chemicals to play with fire, Ema. Scientific research is important, but please use moderation.
<Ema>: Yes! Moderation! By the way, are you going somewhere?
<Edgeworth>: Yes. I have some business. ... I don't have much time, so excuse me.
<Kay>: ... Mr. Edgeworth, where are you going?
<Ema>: Fufufu. In this case, we can follow his footsteps! Using the power of science… in moderation!
<Kay>: Alright! Let's follow him… in moderation!
<Gumshoe>: They both have a strange definition of “moderation”...
<Kay>: That overwhelming scale! I think I’m going to cry! That’s a first for an orchestra concert!
<Ema>: The powerful sound of brass instruments and the splendid melody of woodwind instruments! Scientifically speaking, changing between different sounds is what makes music good.
<Edgeworth>: Umm. While I was looking forward to today, I didn't expect you two to follow me.
<Kay>: I wanted to bring Gummy as well, but he had to walk Missile, so he couldn’t come with us.
<Edgeworth>: The detective can still hear the “Ace Attorney Investigations 2 Orchestra Arrangement Collection” CD. You can pre-order one at E-Capcom.
<Ema>: I already pre-ordered it, of course! I’ll also get the 1:10 figure of Mr. Edgeworth!
<Edgeworth>: A 1:10 figure of myself? I don't remember measuring my height, but ...
<Kay>: That's because I stole Mr. Edgeworth's height perfectly!
<Edgeworth>: I'm a little hesitant to say it in the orchestra hall, but let me just say one word.
<Kay>: "Objection!"
<Edgeworth>: Wha…? How did you --!
<Ema>: This must be the famous technique of the Great Thief, stealing the words right out of his mouth! How informative!
<Edgeworth>: I have no plans today, so I will spend my time reading at a nearby coffee shop. Naturally, I want to relax on Sundays.
<Edgeworth>: I’m drinking high-quality black tea in a comfortable sunny place. Today is going to be a good day off.
<Edgeworth>: Speaking of which, the other day, a follower named “Wendy” greeted me here on Tweeter. I don’t know how to return messages, so I haven’t done so yet. Let me thank you here. Ms. Wendy, thank you for following me.
<Oldbag>: E… Edgey-pooooooo! I finally found youuuuuuu!
<Edgeworth>: Gah! What are you doing in this coffee shop ...!?
<Oldbag>: No way, Edgey-poo! Just now, didn’t you say this on Twitter? Didn’t you just say “Ms. Wendy, thank you”? You made this old lady so happy! I just ran around all the coffee shops and searched for you everywhere, Edgey-poo. The power of lo
<Edgeworth>: Do you talk too much to fit on Tweeter? So, “Wendy” was you! No matter how many coffee shops you visit, there’s no way you found me so easily… Are you hiding something?
<Oldbag>: If you say that without evidence, you’d tarnish the title of “prosecutor!” I have nothing to hide from my dearest Edgey-poo!
<Edgeworth>: Hmm… Even without evidence, if I read your reactions and feelings, I can expose the truth while only using my words.
<Oldbag>: Oh, I heard about this, Edgey-poo! Isn’t it called “Logic Chess”? I know everything about you, Edgey-poo!
<Edgeworth>: What do you mean by “I know everything?”
<Oldbag>: You see, it’s because I’m a security guard. Recently, because the whippersnapper who was there before me got fired, I was temporarily guarding the prosecutor’s office. At that time, I just so happened to see your address, Edgey-poo.
<Edgeworth>: …………… I didn’t even need to pull out information, and you’re already telling me the answer!
<Oldbag>: Oh. It was a slip of the tongue. I thought I would get to see Logic chess.
<Edgeworth>: Well, could you see it in Ace Attorney Investigations 2? Please excuse me, I have very important business to attend to.
<Oldbag>: You mentioned that you have no business today! Today, I will never let you go!
<Edgeworth>: Ngh… That was quite the disaster today.
<Edgeworth>: I was too careful just because it was a holiday. I was neglecting my remarks and wasn’t vigilant of those around me ...
<Edgeworth>: Mm? Now “Tweeter” is showing something from “Wendy”. … “Sorry. - Wendy.” … I’m not going to respond to that!
<Gumshoe>: Prosecutor Edgeworth, did you hear? Agent Lang is coming from the Republic of Zheng Fa!
<Edgeworth>: Hm. Is he also involved in an international case? I didn’t have the opportunity to talk to him for long the last time. If I have time, I’ll go greet him.
<Gumshoe>: The last incident was a difficult one. I couldn’t talk much with Agent Lang’s subordinates, either.
<Gumshoe>: There are 100 people who know about it.
<Edgeworth>: If you tried to talk to everyone, the sun would set before you did.
<Gumshoe>: To be honest, I gave up trying to remember my own face and name.
<Edgeworth>: That’s just being lazy!
<Lang>: Yo, Mr. Prosecutor. It's strange to see you in a place like this.
<Edgeworth>: It's been a long time, Agent Lang. I never thought we would meet again at a restaurant like this.
<Lang>: I just happened to see this place while I was looking for somewhere I could go alone.
<Edgeworth>: Alone ...? That’s unusual for you. Aren’t you usually with your subordinates?
<Lang>: Well… Lang Zi says: “To know the feelings of a lone wolf, you should leave the pack.” Sometimes I do things on my own.
<Edgeworth>: Is that so? However, I see a contradiction right there on your table.
<Lang>: Hah! Is that the prosecutor’s famous “deduction”?
<Edgeworth>: For someone eating alone, you ordered a lot of “platters”, which seem to serve over twenty people.
<Lang>: Arooooooo! ‥‥Oops. It seems I have a habit of ordering too much. If you don’t mind, Mr. Prosecutor, would you take a little?
<Edgeworth>: It seems that you’re not very good at acting alone.
<Kay>: Eh? Agent Lang’s coming here again?
<Edgeworth>: Ah, yes. Unlike before, though, it seems like he’s acting alone for some reason.
<Kay>: Isn’t that because it’s difficult to sneak around with too many people? It’s an important rule for a Great Thief!
<Edgeworth>: He is an “international investigator”, not a “Great Thief”. … Anyway, he seemed to come to this country for some purpose.
<Kay>: Then, we might meet him again at a crime scene.
<Edgeworth>: Even if we both desire to pursue the truth, our paths often run counter to each other. If I meet him in the field, we may argue.
<Kay>: That’s nice. I also want a rival that will change me as a person! Ahh… I wonder if they’re out there… the rival who wants to hunt down the Great Thief!
<Edgeworth>: If you want to be arrested so badly, ask Detective Gumshoe.
<Kay>: Ugh! You just don’t get it!
<Kay>: It's finally February!
<Edgeworth>: Oh. So it is...
<Gumshoe>: I'm looking forward to February 3rd!
<Gumshoe>: At our police station, we will sow beans for the bean-throwing festival! February 3rd is a precious day when you can eat soybeans for free!
<Kay>: Every year, I challenge myself with how many beans I can throw! “Out with the demons, in with the fortune, and in with the Great Thief’s treasure!”
<Edgeworth>: Did you forget the most important thing?
<Kay>: I was just kidding! Of course I remember what’s happening February 3rd!
<Gumshoe>: There is no reason to forget the release date of Ace Attorney Investigations 2!
<Edgeworth>: Mm ... I hope.
<Edgeworth>: It’s three days before the game goes on sale. I hope the followers look forward to it as well.
<Edgeworth>: Investigating in winter is necessary, even if it’s cold, and you can’t catch a cold before the game goes on sale. Ergo, please take proper measures against the cold.
<Edgeworth>: Speaking of which, Detective Gumshoe wears the same coat all year round. Doesn’t that get cold? Ah… maybe it’s just that his salary is too low to buy anything else.
<Edgeworth>: ……… Should I invite Detective Gumshoe for dinner? What little I know about his eating habits worries me. I don’t think he’d eat instant noodles in winter…
<Edgeworth>: There is a handmade udon restaurant near the prosecutor's office. The taste is satisfying for a reasonable price. ‥‥‥‥‥‥ Though, when it comes to inviting Detective Gumshoe, I shouldn’t limit myself to just noodles.
<Edgeworth>: Mm. I tweeted that it was only 3 days before the game’s release, but it was 2 days. I worked all night in the office yesterday. It seems my sense of time has gone haywire.
<Edgeworth>: What I tweeted then was contradictory… Pardon me. Thank you, followers who pointed that out.
<Gumshoe>: This pork roast is delicious! This is my first one of the year!
<Edgeworth>: Detective Gumshoe. Stop eating while tweeting!
<Gumshoe>: I've been eating only plain pasta this year. I couldn’t help myself!
<Kay>: I could, but I still tweeted!
<Edgeworth>: It may not be instant ramen, but his eating habits are always in crisis.
<Gumshoe>: Ugh... every time I make a mistake while investigating, the cost of living becomes a crisis.
<Kay>: But the one who is in the most danger right now is Mr. Edgeworth, isn't it? I saw it in a commercial! He’s having his “biggest crisis!”
<Gumshoe>: I heard it too ... What kind of mistake did you make, sir?
<Edgeworth>: Don’t compare me to you! I don’t know what it is, but I’m not afraid of any crisis. No matter what happens, I simply do what I think is right.
<Kay>: As expected of Mr. Edgeworth! Well, you can always count on this Great Thief to help you in an emergency!
<Gumshoe>: Of course, I will help too! If you want to manage your living expenses in a crisis, sir, just leave it to me!
<Edgeworth>: First, could you try helping me as a detective?
<Kay>: By the way, Mr. Edgeworth, what kind of person is your father?
<Edgeworth>: … Why would you suddenly ask such a question?
<Kay>: I just asked Mr. Shields. He said your father was a very good person! I also respect my dad, so I was a little curious about yours.
<Edgeworth>: When I was a child, he was someone I highly respected, and… the kind of man I aspired to be.
<Kay>: Huh? Is it different now?
<Edgeworth>: ……… About that… It’s difficult to explain. If you want to know the answer, please wait until tomorrow.
<Kay>: I see! The answer is hidden in Ace Attorney Investigations 2. I’ll be sure to steal the truth about Mr. Edgeworth!
<Kay>: Gummy! Please decorate it from the right side!
<Gumshoe>: Here it is! Oh no, the decoration fell!
<Edgeworth>: What are you doing in my office in the middle of my workday?
<Gumshoe>: I’m off duty, but since today’s the eve of the release date, I’m preparing a party!
<Kay>: It's almost time to tweet! Mr. Edgeworth, please work and just ignore us!
<Edgeworth>: If you truly want that, then please stop climbing on my desk. … I’ll finish work soon, so please wait until then.
<Kay>: Eh! Are you going to help us?
<Edgeworth>: I would like to celebrate.
<Gumshoe>: That’s helpful, sir! Then, I’ll be sitting on the sofa and waiting until it’s time!
<Edgeworth>: ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ Just wait in the corridor.
<Gumshoe>: Cheers for the release of Ace Attorney Investigations 2!
<Edgeworth>: Hmm ... This party for the eve of the release is rather nice.
<Kay>: Ehehe. Tomorrow, we’ll give it our all!
<Edgeworth>: Umm. Thank you very much.
<Kay>: This is the last of our tweets ... It's a little regrettable.
<Edgeworth>: But I’m glad I had this opportunity to directly express my gratitude for the week. Those who were watching our tweets… let me thank you again.
<Gumshoe>: I still have something to talk about, but we’re already out of time!
<Kay>: But the eve of the release has only just begun! After this, you can talk to the development staff of “Ace Attorney Investigations 2” directly!
<Gumshoe>: Oh! Is that the plan?
<Kay>: I’m certain, because it’s information I stole from Capcom! It seems like it will start around 18:00!
<Edgeworth>: I do have a lot to ask, but let's leave that to the followers. Well then, excuse us for now.
<Edgeworth>: If you have any questions for the development staff, please quickly send them in!
Translation notes first:
The localized foods are as follows:
dorayaki -> Samurai Dogs (since Missile also has a habit of eating those, though I don’t believe the original was dorayaki?)
somen -> instant ramen
katsudon -> pork roast
shirataki -> plain pasta
The “bean-throwing festival” is Setsubun, a festival where you toss soybeans and eat some in order to toss out bad luck and bring in good luck (to my understanding, please correct me if I’m wrong). What Kay said (minus the Great Thief part) is one translation of a phrase you shout while throwing the beans. I obviously gave up on trying to localize this.
Original Japanese (minus breaks):
〈ミツルギ〉:『逆転検事2 発売直前記念』として、私が日頃思っていることを“つぶやく”ように言われたのだが‥‥どうすればいいのだろうか?
〈ミクモ〉:はーい! それじゃ、また後で遊びに来ますね!
〈ミクモ〉:ううう‥‥‥‥法廷内から追い出されちゃいました。さすがは逆転検事2の新ライバル“水鏡 秤”さん!優しそうな裁判官だと思ってユダンしていました。
〈ミクモ〉:それはともかく! 今日はもうお仕事終わりなんですよね?
〈アカネ〉:ヒゾウのカガク薬品でおこした火を利用して、あったか~い “焼きどら焼き”を作ろうかと!
〈ミツルギ〉:刑事には、サウンドトラックCD「オーケストラ・アレンジ楽曲集 〜奏でられし逆転〜」を聞かせるとしよう。いまからでもイーカプコンで予約出来るだろう。
〈ミツルギ〉:ム?また“カオルさん”から私あてに“ついーと”が来ているな。『残念無念 カオル』‥‥と言われても、断じて誘いに乗るつもりはない!
#ace attorney#aai2#(no spoilers though!)#miles edgeworth#kay faraday#detective gumshoe#my posts#really hoping there isn't some egregious error in there hahaha!#also hoping someone appreciates it half as much as I do#but even if no one does this was fun to look at
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Fushimi working in the service by remove graffiti. He hates one of the street artists who signs himself with the nickname HV or Yatagarasu. He can't hand over the completed work to the boss: a painted-over wall near Homra's bar, because graffiti appears again and again. One day, instead of random graffiti, he sees a portrait of himself. And he intends to find this artist at any cost.
Every day Fushimi cleans off graffiti and every day Yata makes more just to spite him :P Maybe Fushimi's working for like some police department which has been put in charge of removing a bunch of graffiti around the city, police chief Munakata thinks it would be like a nice gesture to show they are trying to 'clean up' the streets (pause while Munakata waits to be congratulated on his amazing pun). Fushimi is not particularly thrilled to be assigned to this job, like it's stupid menial work and why does he have to waste time cleaning up the mess made by random hooligans. Say he's recovering from some on the job type injury though and that's why he gets the assignment, since it's nice and slow paced.
So Fushimi heads down into the city and starts cleaning up the first graffiti he sees. There's a bunch of stuff by some delinquent group calling themselves 'Homra,' they've tagged a bunch of buildings and walls and such. As Fushimi's cleaning Yata happens to be skateboarding by and sees him, he's immediately like who the hell is that cleaning up all our awesome art. Yata mistakes Fushimi for some random do-gooder and he actually runs up like what the hell are you doing huh, that stuff is art, and Fushimi clicks his tongue and says he's an officer here to clean up the mess that's becoming a public menace. Yata has an 'oh shit' moment when he realizes he's talking to a cop while Fushimi goes on complaining about this stupid graffiti and what kind of idiot would call this art anyway. Yata can't help but be defensive and he says he thinks it's pretty cool, Fushimi rolls his eyes derisively and says it looks like a kid did it, like look at this stupid bird picture tagged with the name 'Yatagarasu,' that even sounds like a kiddy name. Yata very nearly gives himself away and then stumbles over his words as he's like Yatagarasu is one of the best artists around here you know. Fushimi gets suspicious and asks why Yata's so interested anyway, Yata says he just lives around here and likes looking at the art, that's all. Fushimi asks his name and Yata ends up grudgingly gritting out '...Misaki' because he thinks saying his last name will give away who he is and he'll get arrested. Fushimi gets this crooked grin as he's like Misaki huh and Yata tells him to shut up.
The next day Fushimi goes back to the city to work and finds that half his cleaning has been undone and Yatagarasu has made this big obnoxious mural all over one of the walls he cleaned yesterday. Fushimi scowls and is like what a kid as he starts to clean again. Yata skates by with a grin, noting that it looks like more cool art sprung up huh, Fushimi calls it childish again and Yata's like oh yeah what kind of art would you make then. Fushimi says he doesn't have any interest in art and Yata thinks that's stupid, art is amazing how could you not like art. Fushimi says he doesn't care about things that can't be compiled into data and Yata thinks that's really depressing, Fushimi says it's none of his business.
Fushimi cleans Yata's mural off again and now Yata is not only motivated to do more graffiti to spite him but also because he really wants that stuck up cop to admit that his art is good. Yata starts doing even more graffiti than normal, all these big wild pieces and Fushimi keeps coming to clean them up and he refuses to admit that he likes any of it at all. Yata meanwhile goes from complaining about how much he hates that guy Fushimi all the time to becoming more interested in him, like they start talking more and Yata realizes that Fushimi's like no one he's ever met before and he's actually kinda cool in his own way.
Yata really wants to make something Fushimi will like and finally he convinces Kusanagi to let him use the wall of Bar Homra so he has permission and Fushimi can't clean it off. Yata agonizes over what to paint and finally he just starts doing this picture of Fushimi but it's like Fushimi the way Yata sees him, all gloomy and stuck up but also really cool and kinda sad too, someone that Yata can't seem to stop wanting to see and talk to. The next day Fushimi shows up and sees the art and he's struck silent as Yata skates out of the shadows and wonders if he finally made some art that got Fushimi speechless.
#sarumi#Talking K#Fushimi probably kinda suspected for a while though#Yata asks how he liked the picture and Fushimi looks away#Yata says he thinks it's his best work yet#bc he's never done art *for* someone before but this time he put his whole heart into it#and finally Fushimi mumbles '...it's nice'#no one's ever seen him that way before or looked at him like a piece of art
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Megaten Furbait compilation
A list of myth characters that were depicted as animals or animals with anthropomorphic features in the Megami Tensei series that have some level of appeal to furries.
Birds, reptiles and other species included.
Now let’s start!
Kaneko designed very, very few humanoid birds (even less featuring actual beaks) so Garuda is a big win to me. I love his playful pose from the first artwork combined with the big thigh exposition.
The curly beard and the shining brown skin really give him an extra attractiveness.
I fell in love with this little fellow at first sight. The way he just looks down and has a “tch!” expression like he’s mocking you.
I don’t pay much attention to Anubis since he’s depicted in essentially the same way in a lot of other media. His slender and sophisticated figure is still mesmerizing to stare regardless.
I tend to prefer his human form but Quetz’s dragon form isn’t half-bad. His pissed face like he’s mad at you for eating the last piece of ham from the fridge.
This goat has his horn on fire and has something sticking out of his crotch! He’s up to no good! Now that I think about it, the sword and the shield must symbolize his hermaphroditism.
He looks at you the same way a pregnant mother would do to her lover.
I’m not fond of demons with a lot of random features all over them. I forgive Gagyson because he’s bird-like and is cackling maniacally.
Neko Shogun
Is he a demon or a toy? SO FRIGGIN’ CUTE! I LOVE YOU, DAMNIT!
A dignified old man doing yoga. Check out the little golden monkey in his armor.
This froggie looks so happy to see you! She’s like a character that came straight from Animal Crossing.
Not very furry-like but at least she’s worth more than Nekomata. She looks comfy to hug. Be careful or she’ll hit you with a Macca Beam though.
There it is... the most insane furbait of the list. This fucker tricks you into thinking he’s covering himself but as soon as you look at him from behind you find out he’s been walking around with his ass completely bare. It’s like he’s tainting you to look at it. Don’t even get me started at his Hallel form.
BABY YOU’RE SO CUTE!!! His tongue imitating perfectly the way a dog pants cheerfully when its owner is close!!!
A personal favorite. As soon as you summon her, she gets ready to push you onto the bed and peg your ass.
Shesha’s battles aren’t something exciting to remember about but I truly do like his enormous snake body. Too bad you couldn’t summon him in this state.
If you are into hunks, Fomorian is just your dude. Remind him not to skip leg day though.
This guy definitely fucks. Beware of his ridiculously long arms.
I wanna touch his fat nipples and his bellybutton.
Such a jolly little creature! It’s like a Pokémon!
He seems way less scary once you realize he’s a bear.
I wanna pull his big tail and see him screaming agonishingly. Apparently his meat is quite tasty.
Azumi might be JUST YOUR THING if you liked The Shape of Water. I wonder if her mouth is too rough to kiss.
There’s something that awakens in me when I stare at his happy trail.
Kuda, Inugami and Makami
Wu Kong
I like his personality in the games a lot. A troublesome kid that speaks brashly.
I wanna touch his fat nipples and bel-oh wait, I already said this to Ganesha.
Cait Sith
Look at his stupidass huge boots. I love this guy.
I’m not enthusiastic about elephants in general but Kaneko sure draws them in a way that makes me captivated. I like how this one feels gritty and muscular contrasting the chubby ones.
The pre-evolution of Garuda. Very majestic. I love the extension thingies from his crown.
The little snark with his tongue while looking at the viewer. It’s the little details that count.
I hate horses. I truly truly hate horses. I’m fond of this one for some reason however. Maybe it’s the fanged teeth? Or the cute braids?
Tao Tie
You don’t wanna get on this fluffy fella’s bad side.
I like how this Kobold has quite some feminine figure. Small hips and big boobs.
A body of water shaped into a masked dragon. Kaneko really nailed on the execution of this one.
I truly don’t care about Orias but his old artwork is funny. He’s tied to his horse as if both were a present.
A rare one! And it’s a turtle! Does his shell only cover his back?
Despite his major villain profile in the lore, his personality in the negotiations sums up as “big moe beast that loves lettuce”.
"Bro” “What is it, bro” “I tied myself all over you bro” “B-bro...”
Chi You
I know it’s just his spear but the shadow makes it seems he’s wearing high heels.
Tangata Manu
Tangata Manu is so cartoonishly weird to the point it’s adorable. Look how shitty his wings are. Poor guy.
Furry milfs stretching? Furry milfs stretching, anyone?
Makara in Dx2 is friggin adorable. I often forget it’s supposed to be from the Dragon race because of its little Bambi head.
Heavenly Generals
Kaneko the absolute madman designed the twelve chinese zodiac animals as boss enemies. THEY ALL HAVE THE SAME HAIRSTYLE.
I love chickens but she doesn’t resemble one enough to be endearing on this aspect to me. I like the ‘creepy creature in domestic clothes’ image though. She even helps you with housework if she feels you’re hard-working enough!
This one knows he’s a bastard and is fully delighted with it.
His cute expression sure makes bird lovers like myself fall to our knees.
Everyone’s favorite doggie! Regardless of how generic Cerberus ends up becoming in later games, his role as Nakajima’s loyal partner or our lovely Pascal the dog makes me quite fond of him.
A pig with a cape! A PIG WITH A CAPE!
I keep thinking of that mission in Strange Journey where you had to casually ask Fafnir for a piece of his body. Since he’s all made of metal, I guess letting someone else borrow your leg wouldn’t hurt you.
I never got to properly use one yet in the games but I'm super fond of his design. The color palette is one of my favorites.
no talk with me im angy
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Quarta330 returns to Hyperdub after seven-year absence, announces Pixelated EP
I’m sure I’m not alone in having my initial Hyperdub exposure facilitated by the very first Burial release, but around the time that the UK label was beginning to establish itself as a reliable source for generally moody music teeming with sub-bass, Toru Koda a.k.a. Quarta330 was one among more than a dozen artists who graciously contributed their sounds to an early Steve Goodman-led org. The Tokyo-based Koda had a hand in three singles that were released via the label prior to 2010, and if those credits alongside other producers weren’t enough to insist on his relevancy in the label’s history, the first Hyperdub compilation, out in 2009, featured a track of Quarta330’s very own. “Bleeps from Outer Space” was a bouncy tune chippy enough to stave off an annual desire to go back and play an 1980s video game. It’s too bad a full-length album never came of it. Fortunately, the next best thing has come of it several years later, as Quarta330 has just announced his new Pixelated EP, out January 27 on the topical label. Shades of his decidedly chiptune early days exist, but more than anything, this new release is a solidly produced effort that beckons the opposite of Koda’s relatively sporadic and short official releases thus far. Start clamoring, Hyperdub and Quarta330 fans! Here’s the pre-order page via Bandcamp, and check the track “Yatagarasu” below: Quarta330 - Pixelated (HDB106) by Quarta330 Pixelated tracklisting: 01. Resonate 3 02. The Fairies’ Homecoming 03. Yatagarasu 04. Digital Lotus Flower http://j.mp/2iQCWlC
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The six times Wakamiya saves Yukiya and the one time Wakamiya himself needs some saving… (a compilation)
1. Episode 1: A Lady Out of Place, when a 13-year-old Wakamiya found Yukiya and Yukichi got lost in the woods while he patched the hole of the boundary of Yamauchi
2. Episode 14: The Taboo Elixir, Wakamiya (as Sumimaru) shoving the afflicted crow with Sagecap as not to hurt Yukiya and the old man
3. & 4. Episode 15: The Girl Who Lived, twice Wakamiya killed two shapeshifting apes that tried to entrap Yukiya
5. Episode 17: King of the Underground, Wakamiya beheaded one of the young monkeys that tried to devour Yukiya
6. Episode 20: The Golden Raven, after an afflicted crow with Sagecap attacked Yukiya and Koume, Wakamiya hit it with his sword’s handle until he knocked it unconscious
The 20th episode, The Golden Raven, shows how vulnerable, precarious and dangerous the position of a true kin’u is when he almost died after Hatsune stabbed him with a hairpin. Wakamiya’s vulnerability convinced Yukiya that in order to protect his home and family, it is time for him to do something for the leader of the Yatagarasu clan. This is the same ethos that’s going to drive his character throughout the Yatagarasu book series.
#yatagarasu#yatagarasu series#the raven does not choose its master#karasu wa aruji wo erabanai#yukiya#wakamiya#episode 1#episode 20#episode 14#episode 15#episode 17#hatsune#yatagarasu compilation#yukiya/wakamiya
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PA Works is going to celebrate its 25th anniversary with a cookbook, yes, you heard it right. A cookbook of all the meals and desserts one can find on their body of works.
The creators of “Buddy Daddies,” “Skip to Loafer,” “Charlotte,” “Kuromukuro” and host of others are asking for our help on which recipes they will include on their book.
Thanks to you, this year we are celebrating our 25th anniversary.
To commemorate this, from the many PA meals that have appeared in PA WORKS works to date, 25 dishes selected by vote will be compiled into a recipe book 💪
What PA food has left an impression on you, what PA food would you like to try, or what PA food would you like to make?
We look forward to your vote!
<PA Meal General Election Voting Form>
Please choose from the menus selected in the preliminary vote held at PA SALON (multiple selections possible)
Each person may only vote once.
Anyone can vote.
<Voting period>
January 2nd (Thursday) - January 8th (Wednesday)
I tried hamburger steak and their version of French toast bc of “Buddy Daddies.”
So influential. I can tell you.
Right now I am trying candied kumquats from “Yatagarasu: The Raven Does Not Choose Its Master.”
Hopefully Wakamiya would be proud of me.
I know that he uses a special honey and a dash of vinegar.
Now, I have to cool them down, store them for three days somewhere and coat them generously with some special sugar.
#buddy daddies#pa works#yatagarasu#the raven does not choose its master#anime and cooking#hamburger steak#french toast#candied kumquats
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Thank U sm for compiling all the content!!! I finished reading all 6 novels and I'm dying for more T.T
Are there any translations/snippets of the side stories for this series? I rmb there's a book of side stories and a continuation 🤔
First, I would like to preface this post by apologizing for making you wait so long for and answer. I've been busy.
Okay, so this is going to be long. Brace yourselves.
Well, once you've read the first six books (AKA the first part of the Yatagarasu series), the next book is supposed to be a spin-off.
This is Karasu Hyakka: Hotaru no Shou (in english it would be something like "The Many Flowers of the Raven: the Firefly Episode", but I barely know any Japanese, so I'm not the most reliable source for translations). Don't be confuse by the two covers: it's just one book.
Apparently it tries to fill some characters backstories and it has some additional POV of different characters during some events of the first part.
Then we can start head on with the second part.
The first book of the second part is Rakuen no Karasu (Raven of the Paradise). Again, two covers. This one also has some isekai elements.
The second book is Tsuioku no Karasu (Raven of Memories?). It has adult and young Yukiya on the covers, which is always a treat. There is another spin-off that came out before this one, but I'll talk about later.
The third book is Karasu no Midoriba (The Raven's Green Feathers). It Natsuka on the cover and Rokon on the back.
The fourt book and most recent one is Mochizuki no Karasu (The Full Moon Raven). This one came out in February this year. Thus the second part remains incomplete as of the time of writing.
But this is not all. There is a second spin-off.
I present to you Karasu Hyakka: Shirayuri no Shou (The Many Flowers of the Raven: the White Lily Episode). More backstories of characters.
And you might be thinking that is all, but I have a couple of extra things to share.
This is the Yatagarasu Series Fanbook. From what I read it has interviews with the author, a recap of the what happens in the story, stickers, a detailed map and many other things. It was released to commemorate the ten years of the series.
And finally, Abe Chisato publishes side storied sporadically on her column. This is the most recent one that was published this week. From what I understand, it's about Hamayu. You can find more information here.
Okay, so that it's all I could compile. When it comes to translations, I'm afraid I won't be of much help. The only thing I could find online is the prologues of Karasu ni Hitoe wa Niawanai and Karasu wa Aruji wo Erabanai. They're both in Japanese, so it's not even a translation.
Sorry I couldn't be of more help. If you anyone knows anything more in that regard, please let me know.
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